
My name is Maryam, better known as Clumsy in the world of social media. I'm a certified personal trainer and health coach who wants to help you break free of diet culture and find food freedom, all while actively taking steps towards your health and fitness goals. 

Once an yo-yo dieter and obsessive calorie counter myself, I know first hand how hard it is to be stuck in that never-ending cycle of guilt and restriction. After several years of trying the latest fad diets and exercise regimes I finally decided to dive into the research and learn the facts that would help me break the cycle once and for all.

My goal is to help you understand yourself and your body better and teach you how to optimize your nutrition so you can live your best life without restrictions. My coaching philosophy depends greatly on you and your self-awareness. All my programs are flexible in a way that allows you to incorporate your favorite foods and activities without sacrificing your goals.

If you're looking for quick fixes sadly I'm not the right fit for you, but if your goal is to be the healthiest version of yourself and maintain your healthy lifestyle forever, you've come to the right place. With my experience and a little bit of patience, I can help you overcome the obstacles that have always been in your way. It'll take time and it'll take effort, but the results will be oh-so worth it.



  • ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
  • ISSA Certified Fitness Coach
  • PNL1 Certified Nutrition Coach
  • GGS CPPC (Pending)
Online Coaching